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n. (plural of canyon English)

Canyons (novel)

Canyons is a novel written by Gary Paulsen. It involves two boys - one lives in modern times (Brennan) while the other is an Indian boy (Coyote Runs) living nearly two hundred years ago.

Usage examples of "canyons".

Mars that showed huge volcanoes, enormous rift valleys, and canyons that looked as if they had been gouged out by massive flood waters.

Level upon level of freight depots and warehouse and repair facilities were linked by gaudy old thoroughfares that spanned the globe, bridging canyons that reached from the upper strata, swarming with life, to the glowing depths where several forms of subspecies thrived on the refuse that fell continuously from the towering heights.

Over the course of a year, I tested that canyon and the surrounding canyons twenty-nine more times - I had to have that much detailed data to prove that this farm could work so I could borrow the startup money.

If we agreed among ourselves on how to live together in these mountains and canyons, maybe someday the government would make our agreements official.

The neighboring kingdom was said to believe that demons of some kind lived in the canyons before Luap came.

He could see farther than before, but still had no idea where the place lay, or how deep the canyons were.

Fin Panir while the canyons of his own land were still choked with snow.

It was a dark, heavy clod, more clay than loam, but it would mix with the sand in the canyons, he was sure.

And they were reluctant to have strangers moving into the canyons while they were here, giving no warning to their own people.

Seri had felt a compulsion to explore the mountaintop, and then the western canyons, while the others took one look at that gray mountain and wanted to go there.

They would have to build a trail up from the desert below, and another into the western canyons and out to the town, but with magery they could do it easily in a few hands of days.

Finally Seri climbed partway up one of the north-running canyons across from what they thought should be the best way.

The mountaintop above the stronghold stood out clearly, but not the canyons between.

All climbed the spiral stairs at least once, to look out over the tangle of canyons and have the locals point out where they had been riding the day before.

Khartazh realized we were settlers, not brigands, it made sense for us to help keep those canyons clean of trouble.