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a. Resembling or characteristic of a canyon.

Usage examples of "canyonlike".

Cranking the throttle, he shot off and headed for the nearest canyonlike intersection that would allow him to lose himself in the city.

He sped on through level after level, then came out into a huge intersection of canyonlike airroads.

Cranking the throttle, he shot off and headed for the nearest canyonlike intersec­ tion that would allow him to lose himself in the city.

Through the spindly foliage, Jacen saw that they had entered a canyonlike passage perhaps a hundred meters wide and half that in depth, with a "sky" of brightly glowing lichen clinging to the ceiling above the treetops.

They pulled the galleon up on the sandy floor of a small, canyonlike inlet.

Hilly North London, its thoroughfares made canyonlike by the facades of mansion blocks, was a maze of wind tunnels.