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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Canopy \Can"o*py\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Canopes; p. pr. & vb. n. Canopying.] To cover with, or as with, a canopy. ``A bank with ivy canopied.''


n. The activity of going through the canopy of a forest on a zipline vb. (present participle of canopy English)

Usage examples of "canopying".

I could see them, on all sides, at the edges of the clearing, rising beautifully a hundred, two hundred feet toward the blackness of the Gorean night, the brightness of the stars, and then, almost at the top, exploding into a broad canopying of interlaced branches.

Her eyebrows were plucked flat, canopying small, olive drab, porcine eyes rimmed with red.