n. fire delivered by artillery [syn: artillery fire]
Usage examples of "cannon fire".
Wohl's cannon fire hit the missile, but it still continued on, skipping across the ocean like a stick of dynamite thrown across a pond before slamming into the Catherine near the bow.
She led them on a beeline to the breach, disc gun and cannon fire paving an explosive road for the Hovertanks, which continued to loose pulsed bursts in return.
Most of these vehicles were destroyed by cannon fire from the Typre-63 tanks and anti-tank munitions from the BMP-2 and BTR-80 APC’.
But for the first two and a half hours, it was simply an exchange of cannon fire.
We can lay the cannon fire from a position seaward of the islands, and use the islands, so to speak, as rocks behind which to hide from possible enemy observation.
We can lay the cannon fire from a po-sition seaward of the islands, and use the islands, so to speak, as rocks behind which to hide from possible enemy observation.
They were followed, moments later, by the rolling sound of cannon fire.
And he might have, but some long-range cannons have appeared, and a thing that carries an observation basket into the air to guide the cannon fire.
His answer came from behind as Hunter laced the Fulcrum's tail section with cannon fire from point-blank range.
The combined rifle and cannon fire from the north wall ripped through the tightly packed militiamen.
Or maybe you think dodging matter cannon fire and asteroids alone for six months is some kind of holiday.
While they were on the road here they heard the sound of a battle raging behind them, heavy cannon fire and a number of explosions that they think were Zayn's ships blowing up.