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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cannon bone

Cannon bone \Can"non bone\ (Anat.) See Canon Bone.

cannon bone

n. 1 A bone resulting from the fusion of metacarpals or metatarsals in some artiodactyls. 2 The metacarpal of a horse. 3 The metatarsal of a horse.

cannon bone

n. greatly developed metatarsal or metacarpal bone in the shank or cannon part of the leg in hoofed mammals

Usage examples of "cannon bone".

It cut the left foreleg in two just above the cannon bone, with a sound like a giant ax striking home in hardwood.

For there, protruding from where it had shattered the cannon bone in the horse's right front leg, was the fourth arrow Curtis had loosed.

In his mind he could hear the sound of the cannon bone breaking, and nodded in approval at the footsteps that showed that the rider had braved the animal's undoubtedly desperately flailing hooves to cut its throat, quickly ending the doomed creature's pain.

In his mind he could hear the sound of the cannon bone breaking, and nodded in approval at the footsteps that showed that the rider had braved the animal’.

The off horse slipped on the ice and broke a leg-Lazarus heard the cannon bone pop.