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n. (plural of cannibal English)

Usage examples of "cannibals".

But think not that this famous town has only harpooneers, cannibals, and bumpkins to show her visitors.

I remembered a story of a white man--a whaleman too-- who, falling among the cannibals, had been tattooed by them.

Queequeg so much-- for they were used to seeing cannibals like him in their streets,-- but at seeing him and me upon such confidential terms.

CHAPTER 18 His Mark As we were walking down the end of the wharf towards the ship, Queequeg carrying his harpoon, Captain Peleg in his gruff voice loudly hailed us from his wigwam, saying he had not suspected my friend was a cannibal, and furthermore announcing that he let no cannibals on board that craft, unless they previously produced their papers.

I have run a computer check of every possible downside event, from suspected cannibals and a verified biting-death, to foot-rot from boot condensation.

He had heard stories about cannibals and had usually laughed at themand he had mocked people who believed such things.

He now saw Diggers as dangerous cannibals, and decided that he was safe.

Although I was convinced that the inhabitants of our bay were as arrant cannibals as any of the other tribes on the island, still I could not but feel a particular and most unqualified repugnance to the aforesaid Typees.

I was willing to encounter some risks in order to accomplish my object, and counted much upon my ability to elude these prowling cannibals amongst the many coverts which the mountains afforded.

I would go ashore if every pebble on the beach was a live coal, and every stick a gridiron, and the cannibals stood ready to broil me on landing.

A frightful death at the hands of the fiercest of cannibals, or a kindly reception from a gentler race of savages?

In doing this Toby went through with a complete series of pantomimic illustrations--opening his mouth from ear to ear, and thrusting his fingers down his throat, gnashing his teeth and rolling his eyes about, till I verily believe the poor creatures took us for a couple of white cannibals who were about to make a meal of them.

This view of the matter was not at all calculated to allay my apprehensions, and I shuddered when I reflected that we were indeed at the mercy of a tribe of cannibals, and that the dreadful contingency to which Toby had alluded was by no means removed beyond the bounds of possibility.

I should make of myself, indeed, waked up here in the middle of the night, stuffing and guzzling, and all to make a fat meal for a parcel of booby-minded cannibals one of these mornings!

Kory-Kory, I thought that, for a sojourn among cannibals, no man could have well made a more agreeable one.