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Cañizares is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 615.

Category:Municipalities in the Province of Cuenca Category:Populated places in the Province of Cuenca

Cañizares (surname)

Cañizares is the surname of:

  • Alejandro Cañizares (born 1983), Spanish golfer
  • Antonio Cañizares Llovera (born 1945), Spanish Roman Catholic cardinal, Archbishop of Valencia
  • Avelino Cañizares (born 1919), Cuban former baseball player
  • Bárbaro Cañizares (born 1979), Cuban baseball player in the Mexican League
  • Claude R. Canizares, Massachusetts Institute of Technology former Vice President and physics professor
  • Jesús Cañizares Sánchez (born 1992), Spanish footballer
  • José de Cañizares (1676-1750), Spanish playwright, cavalry officer, public official and author
  • José María Cañizares (born 1947), Spanish golfer
  • Juan Manuel Cañizares (born 1966), Spanish flamenco guitarist and composer
  • Osvaldo Lara Cañizares (born 1955), Cuban retired sprinter
  • Santiago Cañizares (born 1969), Spanish retired football goalkeeper