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n. (plural of candlestick English)

Usage examples of "candlesticks".

She pointed out that despite her own decree, Adam could not be returned to Eden, because his expulsion marked the first turning of the wheel of dharma and his failure to get back despite the help of the seven candlesticks revealed some of the fundamental code of the possibilities of the universe.

Satan giving Adam seven golden candlesticks with which to find his way back to Eden.

If those candlesticks did exist, they could cause a lot of trouble in the wrong hands.

All they have to do is get the candlesticks, and their dearest wishes will come true.

Fatus, I am beginning a great enterprise, and these candlesticks play a part in it.

Aretino and I will just collect those candlesticks and then go back to Earth and get the spells.

He told Mother Joanna what was coming up in the way of rings, doorways, magic candlesticks, and magic horses, and sent her on her way.

The legend, the all-important legend of the golden candlesticks, was not to be allowed to play to its ending.

Aretino walked among them, accepting the candlesticks they reluctantly handed over.

Pick up your candlesticks and take your places on the stage that has been set up in front of the bar!

The play was about pilgrims and golden candlesticks, and the result so outraged the powers of the universe that Venice was put to destruction.

The room was stacked three-quarters full with all the detritus of an old house: chairs, curtain rods, boxes of decaying books, rolled-up, dust-laden, insect-infested carpets, broken candlesticks, bundles of ancient magazines held by string and a large brass telescope, badly dented, on a mahogany tripod.

Arriving at the house, I climbed the steep stair to my tower room and opened its door to find it ablaze with candlesticks everywhere, as bnght as day.

She stood up also, lifting one of the pewter candlesticks from the table.

Henry Lionel Leopold dear Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags.