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The Collaborative International Dictionary

candlepower \candlepower\, Candle power \Candle power\ (Photom.) luminous intensity; illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, measured in candelas, referring to the light of a standard candle.


n. former measurement of brightness of a light source


n. luminous intensity measured in candelas [syn: light intensity]


Candlepower (abbreviated as cp) is an obsolete unit expressing luminous intensity, equal to 0.981 candelas. It expresses levels of light intensity in terms of the light emitted by a candle of specific size and constituents. In modern usage candlepower equates directly to the unit known as the candela.

Usage examples of "candlepower".

Five thousand Hapichlor Underfin Gasators I have lying on Candlepower Seven, nobody will move them!

We have a Candlepower native on our alien panel, he passed your product.

Tell him a shipment has been held up at Candlepower station, acute depressive effect.

Meanwhile, you have a choice: either wait, in hopes we find something you can fix, or get on the horn and get an itinerant emergency crew down to Candlepower to run your shipment as is.

Keep the galaxy spinning, where would Candlepower be without the transmitter, tra-la-la.

Hot, white, and loaded with candlepower, the cruel radiance instantly bleached away all color and shape.

An instant later, the night evaporated as a ten thousand candlepower light ignited the sky, revealing a tableau of a score of men seemingly frozen by the light.

Even the millions of candlepower of the flare could not light up the whole of this enormous cavity, but now he could see enough to grasp its plan and appreciate its titanic scale.

He switched it off, but left every other candlepower burning in the building.

I wish a billion more people would realize how satisfactory it is to have a light of ten thousand candlepower shining from the sky into their back yards.

One bulb flogged itself, leaking a paltry candlepower that barely made the walls.

The overhead lights burst with enough candlepower to light a small stadium.

One of the skinheads flicked on a handheld spotlight, throwing thousands of candlepowers in a single, blinding beam stabbing across the field.