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candle flame

n. the light provided by a burning candle [syn: candlelight]

Usage examples of "candle flame".

You can also bury it or burn it in a candle flame or on a bonfire.

Once more the note was answered, and as the candle flame again became a hole he dropped the wand, dipped his fingers into the dish of blood and flicked a dozen red drops through.

The light that fell across the paper shook and wavered, and the letters faded abruptly into shadow as the candle flame shrank from a finger of light to a glowing blue dwarf, like the sudden death of a miniature sun.

Because it was something I could accomplish, like the little candle flame in the church making another flame and still retaining its own light-my way of creating, my only way, don't you see?

He was at his desk, reading by the light of a single candle flame.

Everything faded to a mist of featureless grey, the Eryngo and everyone aboard a mere trick of my vision like the memory of a candle flame snuffed in a darkened room.

When he was done, he signed the letter Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, and Protector of the Realm, blotted the paper, folded it twice, and melted the sealing wax over the candle flame.