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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cancel \Can"cel\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Canceled or Cancelled; p. pr. & vb. n. Canceling or Cancelling.] [L. cancellare to make like a lattice, to strike or cross out (cf. Fr. canceller, OF. canceler) fr. cancelli lattice, crossbars, dim. of cancer lattice; cf. Gr. ? latticed gate. Cf. Chancel.]

  1. To inclose or surround, as with a railing, or with latticework. [Obs.]

    A little obscure place canceled in with iron work is the pillar or stump at which . . . our Savior was scourged.

  2. To shut out, as with a railing or with latticework; to exclude. [Obs.] ``Canceled from heaven.''

  3. To cross and deface, as the lines of a writing, or as a word or figure; to mark out by a cross line; to blot out or obliterate.

    A deed may be avoided by delivering it up to be cancelled; that is, to have lines drawn over it in the form of latticework or cancelli; though the phrase is now used figuratively for any manner of obliterating or defacing it.

  4. To annul or destroy; to revoke or recall.

    The indentures were canceled.

    He was unwilling to cancel the interest created through former secret services, by being refractory on this occasion.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  5. (Print.) To suppress or omit; to strike out, as matter in type.

    Canceled figures (Print), figures cast with a line across the face., as for use in arithmetics.

    Syn: To blot out; obliterate; deface; erase; efface; expunge; annul; abolish; revoke; abrogate; repeal; destroy; do away; set aside. See Abolish.


alt. (present participle of cancel English) vb. (present participle of cancel English)

Usage examples of "canceling".

Then, canceling his vacation arrangements, he made the long drive back to Moose County at a speed that discommoded the two yowling passengers in the backseat and alerted the highway patrols of four states.

As he brushed their silky coats-- Yum Yum with hindlegs splayed like a Duncan Phyfe table, and Koko with tail in a stiff Hogarth curve--he thought of canceling his reservation, but an inner voice deterred him, saying: You're a two-hundred-pound man, and you're allowing yourself to be enslaved by eighteen pounds of cat!

As he brushed their silky coats, Yum Yum with hindlegs splayed like a Duncan Phyfe table, and Koko with tail in a stiff Hogarth curve, he thought of canceling his reservation, but an inner voice deterred him, saying: You're a two-hundred-pound man, and you're allowing yourself to be enslaved by eighteen pounds of cat!

He saw that Nona was fighting off the second despot again, his magic canceling hers, making the combat physical.

They were at an impasse, each controlled by a horse, their special powers canceling each other out.

We can set up a canceling force by magic, something that releases an immense amount of energy all at once.

Key had not made advance arrangements with the local commander, hoping to lessen the possibility of an advance report to Washington that might trigger an order canceling his plans.

I did not know whether I would be able to beat back that canceling storm another time.