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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A canard of anti-Semitism is that there is a secret group of powerful Jews running the country.
▪ In other words, the whole idea of globalization was a canard.
▪ It is hardly necessary to dignify that vile canard by saying there is not a mote of truth to it.
▪ The initial findings lay to rest a few canards.
▪ The Opposition raised the canard that some sort of register is required under the council tax.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Canard \Ca*nard"\, n. [F., properly, a duck.] An extravagant or absurd report or story; a fabricated sensational report or statement; esp. one set afloat in the newspapers to hoax the public.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

before 1850, from French canard "a hoax," literally "a duck" (from Old French quanart, probably echoic of a duck's quack); said by Littré to be from the phrase vendre un canard à moitié "to half-sell a duck," thus, from some long-forgotten joke, "to cheat."


n. 1 A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so. 2 (context aeronautics English) A type of aircraft in which the primary horizontal control and stabilization surfaces are in front of the main wing. 3 (context transport engineering English) Any small winglike structure on a vehicle, usually used for stabilization.


n. a deliberately misleading fabrication


Canard is French for duck, an aquatic bird. In English and in French a canard may be an unfounded rumor or story.

Canard may refer to:

Canard (aeronautics)

A canard is an aeronautical arrangement wherein a small forewing or foreplane is placed forward of the main wing of a fixed-wing aircraft. The term "canard" may be used to describe the aircraft itself, the wing configuration or the foreplane.

Despite the use of a canard surface on the first powered aeroplane, the Wright Flyer of 1903, canard designs were not built in quantity until the appearance of the Saab Viggen jet fighter in 1967. The aerodynamics of the canard configuration are complex and require careful analysis.

Rather than use the conventional tailplane configuration found on most aircraft, an aircraft designer may adopt the canard configuration to reduce the main wing loading, to better control the main wing airflow, or to increase the aircraft’s maneuverability, especially at high angles of attack or during a stall. Canard foreplanes, whether used in a canard or three-surface configuration, have important consequences on the aircraft’s longitudinal equilibrium, static and dynamic stability characteristics.

Usage examples of "canard".

In the end they decided to have them both, with one of her renowned liver pates for starters, followed by Canard Sauce Bigarade, which when she described it in her soft Scots voice sounded mouth watering as well as presenting an elegant appearance.

His hands reach up to touch a smooth underbelly, an epoxide canard, the fairing of a downward-gazing radar.

Canard Meck glanced at one of the women, took in the imbecilic smile, then returned her attention to the merchant.

Elle recouvrait des marais peuples de vanneaux, de becasses, de canards et de sarcelles.

Therefore, reading thus plainly the handwriting on the wall, Gato Mgungu seized this opportunity to lay the foundations of future friendship and understanding between them though he knew that Lulimi was an old fraud and his story doubtless a canard.

However, the ambitious side of Harold Magnus was quite willing to forgo langouste and canard, in order to eat littlenecks and rib roast with the boss.

And interesting that not even Bibulus had produced a canard about Caesar and his clutch of Vestal women.

Not all the canards in the world about marriages of virgin daughters to men old enough to be their grandfathers could sway the voters, who preferred triumviral consuls to bribes, probably because Rome was empty of rural voters, who tended to rely on bribes for extra spending money at the games.

Recollect, cher Maître, as I do with senses even today a-tremble, your Canard au Pamplemousse Flambé.

Le More et le Canard de Vaucanson, vous n'auriez rien que fit ressouvenir de la gloire de la France,' all right?

The computer checked the shaft's position in relation to the missile against its predicted position based on GPS coordinates, determined that it was within parameters, and began issuing steering commands to the missile's canards and flying tail.

Well, some of us have seen it happen too long and too often to believe that canard any more.

Fan nacelles on the Dornier's canards and wings rotated to the vertical, and the plane touched down on one of the floating quays.

Five An-995 subsonic heavylift cargo planes were parked on it, fat cylindrical bodies with a rear wing and canard configuration, all of them in blue and white Air Russia colours.

The lifting fuselage and invisible intakes and the canards and the black color, it didn't look like a real airplane.