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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Campanulales \Campanulales\ n. an order of plants which includes the Campanulaceae; Lobeliaceae; Cucurbitaceae; Goodeniaceae; Stylidiaceae; Calyceraceae; and Compositae.

Syn: order Campanulales.


Campanulales is a valid botanic name for a plant order. It was used in the Cronquist system as an order within the subclass Asteridae in the class Magnoliopsida flowering plants. As then circumscribed it included the families:

  • Pentaphragmataceae In Watson and Dallwitz this family has 1 genus, Pentaphragma with 30 species from southeast Asia.
  • Sphenocleaceae - 1 genus
  • Campanulaceae (harebells) - 28 genera
  • Stylidiaceae In Watson and Dallwitz it has 5 genera and 150 species.
  • Donatiaceae
  • Brunoniaceae In Watson and Dallwitz there is only one species in the family, Brunonia australis
  • Goodeniaceae (naupaka) - 1 genus

Campanulales is not recognized as an order in the APG II system, where the families are included in order Asterales, except for Sphenocleaceae in Solanales.