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vb. (en-past of: campaign)

Usage examples of "campaigned".

Instead I campaigned for the support of the Saxons, and I had treated them fairly, too, in my tenure.

The New York Times campaigned viciously against McCarthy, the Senate was constantly investigating him, the elites turned every Communist named by McCarthy into a national hero.

McCarthy supported civil rights for blacks and campaigned as fervently in black neighborhoods as he did in white neighborhoods.

Godfrey Hodgson, "Obituary: Helen Sobell: Scientist Who Campaigned to Halt the Execution of the Rosenbergs for Spying and to Free Her Husband," The Guardian (London), April 25, 2002.

He campaigned largely at staged town meetings, where he interacted with carefully chosen voters, and managed to replace his once-vicious image with a benign, statesmanlike new self-portrait.

Exploiting Frank White's dependence on donations from large utility companies, Clinton had campaigned for direct popular election of the state utility regulatory board, which was then appointed by the governor.

Hillary had always campaigned for Bill and weighed in on ideas and policy.

On a western swing, I also campaigned in Arizona, a state that hadn’t voted for a Democrat for President since 1948, but that I thought I could carry because of its growing Hispanic population and the discomfort of many of the state’s moderate and traditional conservative voters with the more extreme politics of the Republican Congress.

I had won more electoral votes than in 1992, and four of the seven Senate candidates I had campaigned for won: Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, and, in Louisiana, Mary Landrieu.

Leading environmentalist organizations found they had become big business and campaigned to expand the operation.

Environmentalist groups have campaigned vigorously ever since for a full ban on all use, by all nations.

Besides that, Raj had asked for all the units that campaigned with him in the east -- slightly suspicious, from a Governor's point of view.

Several of the non-Companions looked again at the men who had campaigned with Raj Whitehall, noting the scars and missing limbs and limps.

She felt that the Republicans she knew, even Senator Grant, for whom she had campaigned, tended to be cardboard cutouts of real men, and while they served a useful and precautionary purpose, if they alone were allowed to govern, the country would stagnate.