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n. (context slang English) camouflage clothing

Usage examples of "cammies".

Uniform of the day tomorrow will be cammies like I have on, and boots.

Of course, you'll be swimming in your cammies most of the time and with your boots on.

The blood pack fell off his cammies and the whole platoon roared with laughter.

Some SEALs had found crevices to lie in, and simply covered their body and packs with the camouflage cloth made of desert cammies material.

Kat stood there looking washed and combed in a clean pair of cammies, with her railroad tracks on her collar.

When the troops arrive get them into cammies, floppy hats, and issue each one a life vest.

He turned the platoon over to Jaybird, and told him to get them to mess and have them ready at 1400 hours with cammies and floppy hats.

The three SEALS in garrison cammies sat on chairs just inside Jaybird's office.

The SEALS had entered the water wearing their cammies, masks, and flippers.

The SEALS wore their desert cammies, and now put on their American Body Armor operations vests with pouches for ammo and radio and grenade pouches on the web belt.

Jaybird got up, dusted off his cammies, and walked on up to the group.

Nobody griped about the training run or the hot weather which had resulted in their cammies showing dark sweat splotches.

We'll have our cammies in one of the waterproof pouches in case we get landlocked.

The cammies were much easier to fight in on land than the restrictive wet suits.

They pulled out of the wet suits and dug out the cammies from the waterproof pouches.