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Usage examples of "cameroons".

The Cameroons, which we took from the Germans in 1916, is also on the West Coast of Africa.

French Cameroons, and thereafter the ships and transports could be dispersed or return home.

Duala with the object of consolidating the Cameroons, Equatorial Africa, and Chad, and extending influence of de Gaulle to Libreville.

Within a fortnight General de Gaulle was enabled to establish himself at Duala, in the Cameroons, which became a rallying-point for the Free French cause.

For instance, Duala, and with it the Cameroons, were taken by twenty-five Frenchmen after their Senegalese troops had refused to march.

Obliged to dine in hall that evening to fulfil his quota, Jack sat between a terse mathematician and a zoologist called Lascelles who was full of a recent field trip to the Cameroons to study butterflies.

Considering that the total number of Germans captured in the Cameroons is only equal to the number of civilians murdered or wounded in British towns by Zeppelin bombs, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds to the German Government, one begins to wonder whether Norden and his countrymen possess any sense of proportion.

Gerald is hi the Cameroons negotiating with the French, and Billy is with the Fleet, goodness knows where.

Divine rams in one guise or another, with one meaning or another, carry on right down through the Cameroons into the remote basin of the Congo.