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n. A woman who operates any kind of camera.

Usage examples of "camerawoman".

WEXnet 7 in CK City: a camerawomen named Lei, a glamor talk-head named Darel Hopester, and a minder named Urami, who sounded to Chang as if he came from Dao.

He turned to the back seat, where his camerawoman, Chinita Macri, sat silently polishing her glasses.

College of Cardinals, and the BBC camerawoman instinctively followed, panning the crowd.

The camerlegno motioned out over the College of Cardinals, and the BBC camerawoman instinctively followed, panning the crowd.

Darel Hopester and his camerawoman, Sig Lei, dancing along beside her.

The Camerawoman punches a button and immediately Buddy's image comes up on a standing monitor on the studio floor.