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n. A person operating a camera

Usage examples of "cameraperson".

The crew consisted of a cameraperson called Randy Fox, a cropped-haired individual of indeterminate sex wearing blue jeans, Nike running shoes, white tee-shirt and black leather jacket.

Seymore saw the Channel Eight reporter conferring with his producer and cameraperson, a man with hugely muscled arms.

Here is an interesting clip made by a cameraperson who was in a helicopter over Changsha at the time it was destroyed.

As he examined the crime scene photographs in his file, he positioned himself in the different places that the cameraperson must have stood to take the shots.

A sequined costume draped over the corner of the mirror kept appearing and disappearing at the periphery of the television screen as the cameraperson made subtle adjustments with his equipment.

Not only was I ribbed over it, we had to consider if it was just a snoopy cameraperson, or if there had been spying.

I sat down, cleared my mind, ignored the couple of volunteers and two of the camerapeople who'd followed me, and, using my piece of chalk, made a circle.

For the next fifteen minutes we showed the reports sent back by the cadres of camerapeople who descended on Callie's ranch and shot everything from pictures of the killer dinosaur's bloody foot, to the corpses of the three b-saurs killed in the stampede, to the still-vivid imprint of David's body in the mud, to interviews with every ranch hand who'd ever worked for Callie, even though none of them had seen anything but the dead body.

The camerapersons stand on their towers and watch the ground crew try to get rid of the water.