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Camaquito is a politically and confessionally neutral international charity that supports children and adolescents in Cuba in the fields of education, sport, culture and health. Camaquito was founded in 2001 in Switzerland. The projects are concentrated in Camagüey Province in the centre of Cuba.

Education: In the field of education, Camaquito mainly undertakes infrastructure projects, i.e. the renovation and extension of kindergartens and schools. Donations were used, for example, to perform a complete renovation of Camagüey’s Special School for Partially Sighted and Blind Children. And in the aftermath of the severe hurricanes IKE and PALOMA in the autumn of 2008 thirty rural schools were rebuilt. Over the last years the renovation and extension of schools have provided hundreds of schoolchildren and teachers with improved working conditions.

Sport: Sporting activities have become an important component of Camaquito’s project strategy on the basis that sport contributes lastingly to the positive development of children and adolescents. Camaquito places emphasis on the projects viva el fútbol (which provides improved facilities and coaching to footballing boys, girls and trainers) and fútbol en los barrios (where the emphasis is on providing access to football – and to sport in general – to those living in remoter districts of Camagüey City).

Culture: Camaquito also supports a variety of cultural activities and facilities in Camagüey Province, including the children‘s theatre La Andariega, the Ballet de Camagüey, and Café Literario, where young Camagüeyanos perform and discuss cultural contributions. A focal point is the project vivan los barrios, the cultural equivalent of fútbol en los barrios: various cultural events and workshops are organised in remoter districts, providing not only access to culture, but also helping to preserve Cuba’s cultural diversity. Camagüey’s Children’s and Youth Symphony Orchestra is also supported by Camaquito.

Health: Infrastructure support and the implementation of drinking water projects are Camaquito’s core activities in the field of health. Over the next years it is intended to renovate Camaquito’s Maternity Clinic, one of the largest in Cuba, in which 6,000 and 7,000 children are born annually. Camagüey’a Home for the Handicapped receives support too. The aim of the water projects undertaken by Camaquito in rural areas is to connect the local population to the drinking water mains. And in Camagüey City Camaquito will provide funding for the overhaul of the existing drinking water and effluent infrastructure.