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calls of nature

n. (call of nature English)

Usage examples of "calls of nature".

Since this is not possible I amended it: When the men had to answer calls of nature, we women would lock ourselves in.

When the men had to answer calls of nature, we women would lock ourselves in.

The luxury of the palace excited the contempt and indignation of Julian, who usually slept on the ground, who yielded with reluctance to the indispensable calls of nature.

For the duration of the plumber's visit, canning jars were put into service during the daytime to hold our calls of nature.

Food was brought to the bridge, and neither Roderick nor Tatsumo left save to answer calls of nature.

Neither boy nor dog evinced any interest in the pressing calls of nature they had advertised for the last hour while Josh was trying to find his way.

Should even a drop of it be swallowed, frequent calls of nature will be occasioned.

For three years now, he had neither bathed nor washed himself after answering calls of nature.