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calling off

vb. (present participle of call off English)

Usage examples of "calling off".

That will overcome a serious defect in the privatization process that the US demands as a condition for calling off its economic warfare: under the evil influence of the Sandinistas, the process allowed the wrong class of people -- workers in the enterprise -- to gain a share in ownership.

There is no doubt but what Fatso is a wonderful success as Santa Claus with the little children and many of them wish to shake hands with him but after an hour of standing under the tree picking up packages and calling off names, Fatso commences to get a little weary.

There was an owl calling off to the west and the trees were moving in a high wind across the pass.

Scott dropped them carefully through a radio altimeter reading of one hundred feet as Doc began calling off the remaining distance.

He found himself standing beside Dr Brohier, listening to two tech-nicians calling off the instrumentation checks.