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call to prayer

n. A public proclamation made five times a day in Muslim societies, broadcast from the mosques, to mark out the ordained occasions for worship.

Call to prayer

A call to prayer is a concept found in many religions of a signal conveyed to members of the religion indicating that it is time to engage in a scheduled prayer ritual.

Examples include:

  • Adhan, the Muslim call to prayer
  • Church bells, the Christian call to prayer
  • Barechu, the Jewish call to prayer

Usage examples of "call to prayer".

He and his family were heading toward Saturday morning services when, as the call to prayer drifted in from the Muslim districts, gunfire rang out: not just rifles but automatic weapons and, a moment later, cannon.

I knew it was the call to prayer, but I didn't know what it entailed.

The buddha, protecting his halved companion from the disillusioning sight of this mechanized muezzin, whose call to prayer would always be scratched in the same places, extracted from the folds of his shapeless robe a glinting object: and turned his milky gaze upon the silver spittoon.

It was the call to prayer, reverberating through the white-stone passageways and cleanly clipped gardens of the Abbey of Floating White.

He crossed a rose-covered bridge from the palace to the basilica, taking little notice of the fingers of mist that rose from the gardens below, or the clerics that hurried, answering the call to prayer.