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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Calender \Cal"en*der\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Calendered; p. pr. & vb. n. Calendering.] [Cf. F. calandrer. See Calender, n.] To press between rollers for the purpose of making smooth and glossy, or wavy, as woolen and silk stuffs, linens, paper, etc.


vb. (en-past of: calender)


adj. (of paper and fabric and leather) having a surface made smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers; "calendered paper"; "a dress of glossy sateen" [syn: glossy]

Usage examples of "calendered".

After softening (if necessary), the rubber may be calendered (rolled), molded or extruded.

After weaving, the fabric is calendered (pressed wet between hot and cold rollers) to lay the nap.