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calendar years

n. (plural of calendar year English)

Usage examples of "calendar years".

The ensign was three calendar years younger than Wilding himself, but Brainard had been born with a soul as solid as the planetary mantle.

The Ancient Egyptian civil calendar year was geared to the Sothic year so that both would coincide on the same day/month position once every 1461 calendar years.

Now he could see it, his own personal calendar years spread like computer printouts.

It showed a column of calendar years, and alongside it two other columns of figures.

He worked at nine different machine shops in three calendar years.

But-he wondered a few calendar years later-wasn't he being more thorough than needful?

What Stromer did not know, because no one did at the time, was precisely how old those rocks were in calendar years.

Jack had been the sole focus of her submission fantasies for the past two solid calendar years.