Crossword clues for calculable
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Calculable \Cal"cu*la*ble\, a. [Cf. F. calculable.] That may be calculated or ascertained by calculation.
a. Able to be calculated.
adj. capable of being calculated or estimated; "a calculable risk"; "calculable odds" [ant: incalculable]
Usage examples of "calculable".
It had survived beyond all calculable lifespan, and there was nothing left of the old world except for sacred fragments that could only be defiled by the overpowering might of the humans.
The calculable people reside in relatively fixed circumstances, and it is difficult to catch and observe them in situations that are (to them) strange.
That is another good reason for sending 'hobbits' – a vision of a simple and calculable people in simple and long-settled circumstances – on a journey far from settled home into strange lands and dangers.
The posterity signified will, it is calculable, it is next to certain, have studied a developed human nature so far as to know the composition of it a not unequal mixture of the philosophic and the romantic, and that credible realism is to be produced solely by an involvement of those two elements.
Hence a string of possible events, astounding to mankind, but equally calculable, should one care to give imagination headway.
Let this much be said here, that number in the universe has quite different functions from that of serving merely as an expression for a total of calculable items, or as a means of comparing spatial distances.
It is in the nature of the onlooker-consciousness that it is unable to interpret numerical equality between natural phenomena save as indicating the presence of an equal number of calculable objects or of spatial movements of equal magnitude.
A simple matter of surface tension against wind speed, calculable, in fact.
We say ‘Yea’ or ‘Nay’ and our yesses and noes are usually perfectly calculable in advance.
The curved sides would refract light from every direction into the craft's cameras, a huge convex lens that warped the view, but with simple, calculable geometries.
There is a vast range of mathematically calculable improbabilities way outside the range of the spotlight.