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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Calash \Ca*lash"\, n. [F. cal[`e]che; of Slavonic origin; cf. Bohem. kolesa, Russ. koliaska calash, koleso, kolo, wheel.]

  1. A light carriage with low wheels, having a top or hood that can be raised or lowered, seats for inside, a separate seat for the driver, and often a movable front, so that it can be used as either an open or a closed carriage.

    The baroness in a calash capable of holding herself, her two children, and her servants.
    --W. Irving.

  2. In Canada, a two-wheeled, one-seated vehicle, with a calash top, and the driver's seat elevated in front.

  3. A hood or top of a carriage which can be thrown back at pleasure.

  4. A hood, formerly worn by ladies, which could be drawn forward or thrown back like the top of a carriage.


n. A sort of light 'convertible' carriage with a folding hood.

  1. n. a woman's large folded hooped hood; worn in the 18th century [syn: caleche]

  2. the folding hood of a horse-drawn carriage [syn: caleche, calash top]

Usage examples of "calash".

Harry and I scrambled out of the calash and faced a brilliant white expanse of marble that might have given Nansen and Peary some uneasy moments.

As the calashes proved more uncomfortable than the mules, Adams, Dana, and Thaxter chose to go by mule most of the way.

Behind it stood a round-eyed maiden, all aghast at the honourable company of calashes, who marched in without a word.

As they drew near the steamboat wharf they saw, swarming over a broad square, a market beside which the Bonsecours Market would have shown as common as the Quincy, and up the odd wooden-sidewalked street stretched an aisle of carriages and those high swung calashes, which are to Quebec what the gondolas are to Venice.

And the Injuns that used to howl round it, have all follered on the trail of that calash, and gone on, on, out of sight.

I see by the professional jargon of this bill, and a silk calash for a lady.

Pathfinder, to be able to make an offering of that calash to Mabel Dunham.

The calash was in the hands of the latter when the Quartermaster approached, and with a polite air of cordiality he wished his successful rival joy of his victory.

It is a pretty and a becoming calash, and ought not to be thrown away.

Mabel was returning along the low flat rocks that line the shore of the lake, dangling her pretty calash from a prettier finger, when Pathfinder met her.

But with the calash before his eyes, and the hope of giving it to you, the lad was inclined to think better of himself, just at that moment, perhaps, than he ought.

Once the cab was also passed by a calash rapidly whirled along by two post-horses.

An hour after they stepped into their calash, both dressed in feminine attire.

And he threw himself back in the calash, not this time to sleep, but to think.

We were riding in a horse-drawn calash, jostling hard as the driver maneuvered around the evening theater traffic.