n. A powdered mixture of the dry ingredients used to produce a cake or the finished mixture before baking.
n. a commercial mix for making a cake
Usage examples of "cake mix".
Sure enough the woman who came to the door could have been on television selling cake mix.
Thus a large American food company proudly launched a labor-saving, add-water-only cake mix.
The hand mixer, its beaters still dripping brown goo, sat on the kitchen counter beside an open box of Duncan Hines chocolate cake mix.
While my aunt had never really taught me to bake, she'd warned me repeatedly about the ignominy of the commercial cake mix, which she ranked right up there with instant coffee and bottled garlic salt.
I could see the yellow-cake mix box on the counter by the sink where the mixing bowl sat.
Until I met Ben, I thought making a cake from scratch meant you started by opening a box of cake mix!
You once stirred the depths of history the way bakers stir cake mix.