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n. (plural of cagoule English)

Usage examples of "cagoules".

Whatever the reason, when Greg drove out of the station gates late on Thesday afternoon, there was only a handful of camera operators in plastic cagoules left to watch him go.

The air was thick with garish cagoules and backpacks and French and Italian.

Some children playing shrill, unskilled football, in bright cagoules and yellow and red plastic boots.

They were streaming into the car park from all quarters now: the orphan Frasque, the injured and crazed, survivalists in blackface with camouflage rucksacks, dissatisfied robots, drunken spacers on furlough, looters on speed, smiling plugheads in blue cagoules, Perks toting trophies, Thrants in leather, corpses of all kinds with Alteceans going through their pockets.

Our equipment was a vast array of cameras, tape recorders, tents, sleeping bags, medical supplies, mosquito coils, unidentifiable things made of canvas and nylon with metal eyelets and plastic hooks, cagoules, boots, penknives, torches and a cricket bat.