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Caecina may refer to various members of the Roman gens Caecina, including:

  • Aulus Caecina Alienus, Ancient Roman general
  • Aulus Caecina Severus, Ancient Roman critic of Julius Caesar
  • Caecina Paetus, Ancient Roman accused of disloyalty to Claudius
  • Aulus Caecina Roman general 15 AD
  • Caecina, Etruscan family of Velathri ( Volterra).
Caecina (genus)

Caecina is a genus in the subfamily Ectrichodiinae of Reduviidae ( assassin bugs); 16 species have been described, all of them are located in Eastern Asia.

Caecina (gens)

Caecina was the name of an Etruscan family of Volaterrae, one of the ancient cities of Etruria. Persons of this gens are first mentioned in the first century BC. Under the Empire the name is of frequent occurrence. As late as the reign of Honorius, we read of the poet Decius Albinus Caecina, residing at his villa in the neighborhood of Volaterrae; and until modern times there has been a family of this name at the modern Volterra. The family tomb of the Caecinae has been discovered in the neighborhood of Volterra; in this tomb there was found a beautiful sarcophagus, now in the Museum of Paris.