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n. (plural of cadaver English)

Usage examples of "cadavers".

Their phantasms, drifting restlessly behind the cadavers, had eyes that retained the wisdom and knowledge of the living.

They had the same look as the cadavers, the same white flesh, same sunken cheeks and shadowed eyes.

The cadavers laid Alfred down on the floor in front of the necromancer.

The cadavers had eyes, but the eyes never looked at anything, never shifted or moved, never brightened or dimmed, never closed.

Release the other one, the prince ordered the cadavers, who removed their fingers from Haplos arm.

The cadavers are alive, but only in the sense that they can move around and obey orders.

What are those spirit things that follow the cadavers around like their shadows?

He realized, however, that by the time he made his way back through the cavern, the worst of the damage would already be done and so he kept going, following the prince and his army of cadavers to the caverns end.

The cadavers wrenched the blade free and kept at it, striking each other again and again, doing significant damage but never making much headway.

The flesh of the cadavers had, in many instances, fallen from the bones.

Their armor was badly rusted, the leather straps that held it together had almost all rotted away, leaving breastplates dangling by a thread, leg protectors falling down around the cadavers ankles, often tripping them up.

The Sartan pointed a finger at the rows of cadavers lined up in front of them.

The royal cadavers, extremely well preserved and well maintained, escorted the assembly out of the throne room into the vast corridors of the royal palace, shut the doors, and took up positions before them, indicating that His Majesty was in private conference.

Before the magic was needed to raise and maintain the dead, Alfred said, casting a look of pitying horror at the cadavers ranged in ragged lines on the deck.

The ship was operated by a crew of cadavers, better kept than the army, who had performed their tasks in life and so continued to perform them in death.