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n. (plural of cacique English)

Usage examples of "caciques".

This touched the local caciques on a very tender spot, and made evident the necessity of quieting the little man.

The Tomasas and the horse thief parientes, the Justices of the Peace and the caciques are to-day, as a whole, just what they were at the beginning of the century.

The main grip of these minor caciques lies in their practice of money-lending at usury, which makes them masters of the lives, including the votes, of the people.

If a Filipino makes the caciques hate him, who is going to protect him from cacique vengeance if America goes?

Whereupon, Provincial Governor Carlos, with the local caciques, besieged the Philippine Legislature with imperative demands that the Rural Credit be kept out.

Then the Legislature, itself composed chiefly of caciques and the lawyers of caciques, decided that better yet might be done for cacique purses.

Americans first came, we taos were told, by the caciques, that Americans are all huge monsters who devour everything and who chop off the heads of every Filipino they can catch.

American veterinarians and cattle-inspectors had all been dropped out of the service, leaving ignorant and venal local caciques to dictate at pleasure.

And it is not without significance as to the moral development of the people, that the standing and power of the Big Caciques was in no wise thereby stained or weakened.

Government businesses threatened, with the tap shut off in the bank, with the malady spreading to the provinces, and with the author of all these curses apparently a fixture in his seat--obviously the Big Caciques could sit no longer inactive.

Big Caciques themselves began to voyage about a bit among the Islands, showing themselves, talking anti-America, and explaining to the rural masses that if once they could be rid of the foreign heel upon their necks, they would never have to work any more, but would all bask tax-free, rich and happy.

Big Caciques, tie her laws into bow-knots and make and break her Governor-Generals as suits us.

And its rays swept the chill of fear into the souls of the caciques, seven fat years care-free.

Big Caciques, to hurt him, struck hard at the lepers, struck hard at Culion.

But instead of helping the people of their home country and sharing with them what they gained in Manila, they quickly become caciques, join a political party and are exactly as bad as the old ones, preying on the poor.