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n. (plural of cabinmate English)

Usage examples of "cabinmates".

When we return to Vladivostock, while your cabinmates return to their girlfriends or families, you will be met by the Border Guard, an arm of State Security.

Setting out from Vladivostok on the Polar Star he had simply assumed that one of his cabinmates was an informer, but whether it was Gury, Kolya or Obidin, paranoia could fight friendship just so long.

There were more pictures in evidence than before, as if the removal of Zina had released the last constraint on the three cabinmates remaining.

The only one of her three cabinmates who could have worn any of her clothes was little Dynka, and the only piece of apparel with the sort of dash that seemed like Zina was Dynka's red quilted Chinese jacket.

Fortunately none of his cabinmates were home when Izrail and Natasha laid him out on the lower bunk.

The men who had no cabinmates immediately started looking for overnight stands.

Of course, Corsi would deny that she snored, just like she did every other time Lense had brought it up since they were first assigned to be cabinmates on the da Vinci shortly after the end of the Dominion War.

Sam looked around at his floating cabinmates, andthey were all busy, either working on the transporter,checking the makeshift explosives, taking tricorderreadings, or double-checking the jammer.