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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cabin cruiser
▪ Five rescued as cabin cruiser capsizes.
▪ It gave the cabin cruiser set a thrill to see us in action.
▪ Nearby, the charred remains of a cabin cruiser.
▪ Read in studio Five people have been saved from drowning after their cabin cruiser capsized.
▪ The police could not know whether they were looking for a skiff, a punt, or a cabin cruiser.
cabin cruiser

alt. A motorboat which has enclosed living quarters, especially a privately owned pleasure craft. n. A motorboat which has enclosed living quarters, especially a privately owned pleasure craft.

cabin cruiser

n : a large motorboat that has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board [syn: cruiser, pleasure boat, pleasure craft]

Cabin cruiser

A cabin cruiser is a type of power boat that provides accommodation for its crew and passengers inside the structure of the craft.

A cabin cruiser usually ranges in size from in length, with larger pleasure craft usually considered yachts. Many cabin cruisers can be recovered and towed with a trailer and thus easily stored on land, which reduces maintenance and expense. These craft are generally equipped with a head (toilet), a galley, and at least one berth. Most cabin cruisers usually have a small dining area and some have an aft cabin (a cabin to the rear of the cockpit, with a double bed). Some cabin cruisers are equipped with heating, air conditioning, and power generators. Most also have water heaters and shore power electric systems.

The cabin cruiser provides many of the amenities of larger yachts, while costing much less and normally being fully operable by the owner, whereas larger yachts often require a professional crew.

Most newer cabin cruisers are faster than older models because of improved aerodynamic and hydrodynamic designs. Cabin cruisers are generally able to handle the water well because of their size and give a stable ride. They are generally spacious in the cockpit (open seating area towards at aft or centre).

In the UK, purpose-built cabin cruisers were popular on the canal network in the 1960s and 1970s. Leading manufacturers were Norman, Viking, Microplus, Freeman, and Dawncraft. Today, they are more commonly found on the navigable rivers rather than canals.

Usage examples of "cabin cruiser".

Nate shook his head, looking as if he were fighting disbelief, but actually he was trying to shake the memory of his dream of driving a big cabin cruiser through the streets of Seattle with Amy displayed as the bikinied figurehead.

The crew seemed intent on their labors and didn't pay the slightest attention to the cabin cruiser.

They still had the patrol boats to contend with, and by then there was every possibility their crews would have been alerted to the fugitives' escape in the Grand Banks cabin cruiser.

After all, we've got two concrete clues to go on-the machine gun clip we found in this Jag, plus the fact that the cabin cruiser is not only a stolen craft, but known to be tied up with the Purple Shirt Mob in the past.

The boat was an old dilapidated twenty-seven-foot cabin cruiser called the Coastal Explorer long past its prime.

They were propped against some boxes near the front of a long cabin cruiser, which had a permanent top stretched like a canopy over its large, open cockpit, making it ideal for tropical travel.

He was thinking of the cabin cruiser they d sighted earlier in the day —.

He looked at the cabin cruiser that lay with her stern toward them.

Pitt stopped the car on a lawn that ran around the house and parked next to a roofed-over carport that housed a Jeep Grand Cherokee and a small, eighteen-foot cabin cruiser with a big outboard motor on the transom.

Craig said he was going to buy the biggest cabin cruiser in the state of Florida and spend the rest of his life on that boat, eating, drinking, and fishing.

Replacing the usual Buick steering wheel with something that looked like it belonged in a cabin cruiser?

He focused his farsense on a big cabin cruiser moving up the river toward the Michigan Avenue Bridge.

Occasionally a drunk or a total moron would try to clear the banks with a big cabin cruiser, but they did not get far, and they got no sympathy or assistance from the big man in the barn-red house.