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n. (plural of byway English)

Usage examples of "byways".

The burial-ground by which he had paused was as little restful to the eye as are most of those discoverable in the byways of London.

In the highways and byways of Clerkenwell there was a thronging of released toilers, of young and old, of male and female.

In the recesses of dim byways, where sunshine and free air are forgotten things, where families herd together in dear-rented garrets and cellars, craftsmen are for ever handling jewellery, shaping bright ornaments for the necks and arms of such as are born to the joy of life.

A little light went a long way to guide him through the stinking byways under the city.

He then led New York State troopers and Nassau County police on a high-speed, twenty-minute chase through the highways and byways of Long Island.

Morbidity makes sorcerers lose their way and become trapped in the intricate, dark byways of the unknown.

We humans lay out our highways and byways in our fashion and each species does so in theirs, and we mostly remain unaware of each others' very own and personal world of perception.

But I took it slowly, keeping control, making the sudden explosion of images and impressions filter through blocks and byways to reach my mind's eye.