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n. Alternative spelling of by your leave.

Usage examples of "by-your-leave".

They went into the woods and using their so-called civilized weapons -' she slapped two laser rifles atop a tottering pile of papers, causing an avalanche which all but buried the prisoners '- simply slaughtered these perfectly healthy creatures without so much as a by-your-leave or a thank-you!

I shall now record for history that with my own eyes I saw Rachel, with a shy by-your-leave, prepare, light and smoke a corn-cob pipe.

George’s place, where the coloreds get their hair cut, and walked in and snatched up a razor and walked out without a howdy or a by-your-leave or a go-to-hell neither, and by the time we caught up to him, he’d done laid that old boy open like a hog, and was sitting on the porch waiting on the yaller woman to come home, so he could do the same for her.

He was a hired mercenary and could end his contract at any time, forfeiting only whatever pay was due to him and as yet untendered and freeing himself to fight the Arimondan, without seeking a by-your-leave from anyone, in­cluding this black-haired woman who styled herself a queen, if only of the troubadours' Court of Love.