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buy in

v. stock up on to keep for future use or sale; "let's stock coffee as long as prices are low" [syn: stock]

Usage examples of "buy in".

I didn't understand the deal until Feeney pointed out you're supposed to buy in bulk for a spouse.

If they buy in bulk, the prices will be lower than what we can afford to sell for.

Dave and Katie left at around seven on Saturday night, still bickering (but more good-naturedly) about the house they planned to buy in Pownal.

Theirs were better than the ones he had picked up at the Savannah sporting goods store, but his were good enough, and certainly better than anything he could buy in Russia.

Their main difficulty was they were not yet big enough to buy in sufficient quantity to receive a price break that would let them compete with the really big chains.

If I had had to buy in the Exchange the measly fifty-eight pounds of stuff they had let me bring with me, it would have cost-I'm telling the truth!