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buttons up

vb. (en-third-person singular of: button up)

Usage examples of "buttons up".

She was wearing a plain, brownish gray dress with small, pink cloth buttons up the front, all the way up to her neck.

She'd done the buttons up wrong, but she'd brushed the tangles from her hair.

She sat on the edge of the bed as she tried to reach the buttons up the back.

As a result, her fingers were clumsy when she went to work on the buttons up the back of her dress.

Who saves Matern, combs away the dead hair, and buttons up his pants till the next time?

Elayne was just finishing helping her with the rows of small buttons up the back -- and muttering that no one had helped her, as if anyone needed help with breeches when the wagon door banged open, letting in a wave of hot air.

Elayne was just finishing helping her with the rows of small buttons up the back-and muttering that no one had helped her, as if anyone needed help with breeches -when the wagon door banged open, letting in a wave of hot air.