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button mushrooms

n. (button mushroom English)

Usage examples of "button mushrooms".

Melon, followed by leg of lamb with potatoes, cabbage and some button mushrooms: surely that would have met with her mother's approval.

Star came back shortly with fruits that were apple-like but deep purple in color and with quantities of button mushrooms.

The guy who came out to pump the gas had an abundance of fleshy warts-a veritable crop-scattered across his face like button mushrooms.

Steve's previous hosts used a system of socketed frames and curved saplings to build skin-covered huts shaped like the tops of button mushrooms about five feet from floor to smoke ring whereas the Kojak used six straight rough-hewn poles tied together near the top to form a triangular structure over twice as high.

Beside him on the carpet a pile of empty packets slowly grew and with it a pile of foil and a grotesque arrangement of latex rings looking like flattened and translucent button mushrooms.