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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Butter \But"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Buttered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Buttering.]

  1. To cover or spread with butter.

    I know what's what. I know on which side My bread is buttered.

  2. To increase, as stakes, at every throw or every game. [Cant]


n. The application of butter to something. vb. (present participle of butter English)

Usage examples of "buttering".

He was buttering up to Lady Baskerville for all he was worth, and when I asked him why he was there, he told me you had given him permission.

I inquired, buttering a piece of toast and ignoring Emerson's demands that I bring it with me and eat as we walked.

Domingo Chavez, Master of Science (International Relations) answered, buttering his toast.

Well, one more institution we won't be seeing much more of," Killgore went on, buttering his toast.

We are shown Lady (Austen) Chamberlain shaking hands with Mussolini in 1924, Chamberlain and Halifax banqueting with him and toasting "the Emperor of Abyssinia" in 1939, Lord Lloyd buttering up the Fascist régime in an official pamphlet as late as 1940.

I had arrived just as Harry was buttering his first slice of brown toast, an operation of enormous delicacy.

He picked up a second slice of toast and resumed the intricate buttering maneuver.