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butterfly net

n. A small net with attached handle used to collect butterfly and other insect species.

Butterfly net

A butterfly net (sometimes called an aerial insect net) is one of several kinds of nets used to collect insects. The entire bag of the net is generally constructed from a lightweight mesh to minimize damage to delicate butterfly wings. Other types of nets used in insect collecting include beat nets, aquatic nets, and sweep nets. Nets for catching different insects have different mesh sizes. Aquatic nets usually have bigger, more 'open' mesh. Catching small aquatic creatures usually requires an insect net. The mesh is smaller and can capture more.

Usage examples of "butterfly net".

And last, my most fortuitous find: a butterfly net, made of bent cane and gauze, with a glass Mason jar, wad of cotton, and bottle of alcohol for the humane euthanizing of specimens.

I saw Jesus standing at the pearly gates with a butterfly net in His hands, ready to snare my words and take care of their frail sounds and meanings until I could find my way home to them.

Twenty cables, all thicker around than I was, shooting at once and acting like a giant butterfly net.

Think of it as a massive butterfly net, and guess who the butterfly is.