vb. (context idiomatic English) To argue uncompromisingly.
Usage examples of "butt heads".
The local name for him was Bull Elk, because he liked to butt heads and yell, evidently.
If the two of you want to butt heads, do it in the privacy of one of your homes and keep it off the streets.
The DCI, though an old hand and, therefore, a wielder of his own power, knew better than to butt heads with the one person the president relied on most.
Only Richard's brother, Glenn, is currently married, and his wife and Charlotte butt heads constantly.
The last thing they needed was for the prince to feel justified in continuing to butt heads with the professional who was his only chance of getting home alive.
Instead we butt heads with them three times in the last few days and hardly got a scratch for our trouble.
Even in the briefest of conversations, we often manage to butt heads on the subject of family relationships.
We were invited, but one doesn't butt heads with Anna over social issues.
Two bulls would butt heads over a prospective mate until one staggered away like a dusted-up nerg addict to nurse an epic headache.