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a. Involving butchery, or violent bloodshed.

Usage examples of "butcherous".

Without the perpetual and butcherous attention of the General Secretary, the clamp of the Party on the life of the Republic began to slacken.

Four thousand miles of butcherous heat, just to have some joker come along, use your data and drum you out of the glory by crossing at perihelion forty-four days later ?

She had standing bids on Kate in the ractive version of Taming of the Shrew (which was a butcherous kludge, but popular among a certain sort of male user).

Leibniz’s letter—which is nothing more than a butcherous attack on my theory of gravitation!

And then I remembered the butcherous assortment of saws and knives I had seen among Beaton's implements at Leoch, and I knew.