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busy beaver

n. 1 (context idiomatic English) Someone who is very busy or hard-working. 2 (cx comptheory English) A Turing machine that attains the maximum number of steps performed, or number of non-blank symbols finally on the tape, among all Turing machines in a certain class.

Busy beaver

The Busy Beaver Game consists of designing a halting, binary-alphabet Turing Machine which writes the most 1s on the tape, using only a limited set of states. The rules for the 2-state game are as follows: (i) the machine must have two states in addition to the halting state, and (ii) the tape starts with 0s only. As the player, you should conceive each state aiming for the maximum output of 1s on the tape while making sure the machine will halt eventually.

The Nth Busy Beaver, BB-n or simply "Busy Beaver" is the Turing Machine that wins the N-state Busy Beaver Game. That is, it attains the maximum number of 1s among all other possible N-state competing Turing Machines. The BB-2 turing machine, for instance, achieves four 1s in six steps.

The Busy Beaver Game has implications in computability theory, the halting problem, and complexity theory. The concept was first introduced by Tibor Radó in his 1962 paper, "On Non-Computable Functions".