n. (plural of business plan English)
Usage examples of "business plans".
Avi and Beryl have written enough business plans between the two of them that they can smash them out from brute memory.
He'd taken her to the heights of exasperation but now he was sharing his business plans with her….
It would hurt certain business plans which are rapidly coming to maturity if I should announce I was going to marry you right now.
He did not live it in society, and when he was in society he had always his business plans and difficulties to occupy his mind.
She was shaking slightly, fully aware of the fact, that she had lost control of the situation and that she had to put up with his insolence or lose Gamal, her best customer, and this was impossible as all her future business plans rested upon his acceptance of her girls.
Worry and concern and a kindly desire to give Acorna this news in person inspired Hafiz to do something he had not considered in all his adult life: he put aside his business plans for a purely personal trip to Maganos Moon Base.
No business plans which had ever absorbed him could compare in momentousness with the plans that absorbed him now, for he had to plan how to enter the unknown country where he was not even sure of being recognized as an Amberson--not sure of anything, except that Isabel would help him if she could.
But if you're referring to my business plans, such as they are, I haven't done anything worthy of admiration.
At a trade show she was used to stalking up to a stand where some bored men and women were waiting to fall upon such as she and tell her their business plans and their life stories.
Here I am in Edinburgh a little while later, once again moments from being murdered by a hired killer, paid for by another despicable toley who thinks his business plans are more important than the lives of, what, thirty people?
On the table sat the leather-bound business plans containing all the lease conditions, the numbers, and paragraphs of legalese about the dummy corporation Quentin had established to export tropical fruit.
Their relation of employer and employe seemed to mar the close intimacy of the old ties, and the older man looked forward eagerly to the time when his business plans should be carried to a successful climax and they would both leave the West for their eastern home.