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business news

n. news about businesses and investments

Usage examples of "business news".

At any rate, John said that borrowing to pay off Randy's debt would have brought the kind of attention from the business news media that could have jeopardized the deal.

Since she was going to talk, he switched the business news off his personal monitor.

He reads it in this order: business news, international news, national news, and local news.

For a few seconds he hesitated over the Tait file from the Library - a bulky envelope of old society notes, obsolete business news, and obituaries.

She read the latest market reports from a ship inbound from Kshshti, ran it through the computer program that could spot the relative bad deals and bargains compared to markets elsewhere, factored with points of origin for the goods in question, plus a set of keywords like shortage and various diseases and rise and fall of prices in the business news.