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n. (plural of bushing English)

Usage examples of "bushings".

The bacterial cilium that Behe presents as one of his cases of irreducible complexity is a whiplike rotary paddle used for propulsion, driven by an intricate molecular machine that includes an acid-powered engine, stator housing, O-rings, bushings, and a drive shaft, and is built from over 40 interacting proteins, every one of them essential.

I talked about the huge bushings I would need—the bore was to be a full yard, and the outside flange diameter of the blade-end bushing was to be two yards.

Both bushings could be made the same so that only one set of forms would be needed.

Also, I would need four bushings for the upcoming "dry mill" that would grind grain.

The bushings had been cast, one with sockets to hold the windmill blades.

We discussed our mutual needs: the fittings for the dry mill, tubs for washing and dyeing, axles and bushings for wheelbarrows.

I talked about the huge bushings I would need-the bore was to be a full yard, and the outside flange diameter of the blade-end bushing was to be two yards.

Also, I would need four bushings for the upcoming “dry mill” that would grind grain.