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bushel baskets

n. (plural of bushel basket English)

Usage examples of "bushel baskets".

The man was surrounded by bushel baskets, and he held a long-handled crab net made of chicken wire.

In his mind's eye Gwylly saw two hundred fifty bushel baskets stretching out before him, each full to the brim with grains of wheat, each grain representing a year.

Blocks as big as bushel baskets bounced off the dragon's scaly head, but except for blinking, Wrathburn didn't seem to notice.

In hands the size of bushel baskets was clutched a halberd with a lyre-shaped blade, its keen top edge winking.

I had been picking up the papers in my office, just gathering them up by the armful and dropping them into bushel baskets.

By lunch I had tonged up four bushel baskets of oysters, which was my limit, an so I rowed back into shore.

With her cloak hanging loose about her shoulders against the mildness of the morning, she perched between heaped sacks of spring rye, bushel baskets of cherries and early carrots, mesh bags of potatoes and redroots.