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Buse Ă–zbilek, Dogum: 27 Temmmuz 1997 Ikamet: Antalya Egitim: Antalya Konyaalti Anadolu Lisesi (2010) Kocaeli Universitesi (2015)

Usage examples of "buse".

The service can be erratic and buses are sometimes delayed, but there is a stop at the end of the road and I rarely have to wait more than five minutes.

I had been waiting at the bus stop for twenty minutes when a taxi driver leaned out of his cab to tell me that no buses were running.

It was noticeable that there were no buses on the streets and as I subsequently ascertained from a passerby, the taxi driver was telling the truth.

All buses were off the streets, no underground trains running and no taxis were available.

On buses they talk for the whole journey about their families, their illnesses, their holidays and what is going on at the office.

I should have preferred to travel by bus to see Margaret, but the journey entailed changing several times and buses are notoriously infrequent on Sundays.

The frustration of waiting for buses is enough to put people off travelling in the evening, particularly with the worry of having to repeat the process on the way home, but there was no alternative if I wanted to find excitement again.

As I studied the map over the doors, I tried to visualise the destination boards on the buses which passed near my home.

The thing about travelling on London buses is that they always pass a station.

The clock in the drugstore where the buses stopped said there were ten minutes to go.

Traffic streamed into town, cars and buses, but the most common vehicles were bicycles and matatus, the clapped-out minibuses discarded by the safari companies and now carrying as many as twenty-five passengers in spaces designed for eight.

We followed the other buses over a bridge and into a bleaker landscape, dryer, stonier, with less vegetation, just scattered thorn-bushes for the most part, dotted across low but steep and irregular hills.

It was busy with big trucks spewing black smoke, safari buses and matatus.

There had been no noise loud enough to hear above the general traffic, the diesel buses and taxis.

The gate guards were processing a crowd of new workmen in a considerable uproar, letting them through one by one like counted gold coins, to buses waiting beyond the gate.