n. (plural of bursary English)
Usage examples of "bursaries".
Having gained there one of its highest bursaries, he never spent a thought, as he donned his red gown, on the son of the poor widow who had competed with him, and who, failing, had to leave ambition behind him and take a place in a shop--where, however, he soon became able to keep, and did keep, his mother in what was to her nothing less than happy luxury.
Besides, he had in the past won two self-sufficiency awards from the British Darts Organization darts bursaries, darts scholarships, as it were, to help him in his bid to go pro.
Besides, he had in the past won two self-sufficiency awards from the British Darts Organization — darts bursaries, darts scholarships, as it were, to help him in his bid to go pro.