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Burning Index

Burning Index (BI) is a number used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to describe the potential amount of effort needed to contain a single fire in a particular fuel type within a rating area. The National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) uses a modified version of Bryam's equation for flame length - based on the Spread Component (SC) and the available energy (ERC) - to calculate flame length from which the Burning Index is computed.

The equation for flame length is listed below:

$F_L=j\left [\left(\frac{SC}{60}\right) (25(ERC))\right ]^{0.46}$


j is a scaling factor, SC is the spread component, and ERC is the Energy Release Component.

Consequently, the equation for the Burning Index is:

BI = jF

where j is the Burning Index scaling factor of (10/ft). Therefore, dividing the Burning Index by 10 produces a reasonable estimate of the flame length at the head of a fire. A unique Burning Index (BI) table is required for each fuel model.